With our subsidiary company, we have specialised in the production of systems for the processing of confectionery rework.
In this aspect, we are benefitting from our extensive experience in the processing of sugar and glucose.
Convince yourself and let us prepare a cost/benefit analysis and a profitability calculation for your customer-specific situation.
Every confectionery production process generates certain amounts of production waste: during start-up, shut-down, plant malfunctions or even so-called sugar dust. This waste (rework) can be further processed after removing colouring and flavouring agents. It can even be used as a neutral solution that can be added as a recipe component.
We will support you in responsibly using valuable raw materials such as sugar and glucose and thus contribute to the optimal use of resources while taking economic and ecological aspects into account.
Confectionery production waste is dissolved with water and can be reprocessed (e.g. sugar/ sugar-free hard candies, lollipops, jelly and fruit gum products, soft caramels, chocolate coated products, fondant products, chewy candies and marshmallows).
As a result of the recycling process, a completely transparent and neutral sugar-glucose syrup-water solution of 40 - 45 % dry matter is produced. From this solution, 5 - 15 % can be further processed in the slurry.
Separation of packaging materials is usually not necessary excepting flowpack products which need to be crushed by a crushing machine beforehand.